Friday, November 01, 2013

Comet C/2012 X1 Linear

October 28 Very nice Sunset

 November 1

New Moon in Old Moon's Arms

Beautiful Moon caught rising just over mountains at 5:15 in front yard.  Above photo was taken later after it had risen quite a bit.

Used 12x50 binoculars on photo tripod and found new Comet C/2012 X1 Linear.  This comet had an unexpected brightening recently and was easy to spot this morning in binoculars above roof of house across street.

Prior to that, between 4 and 5 viewed Orion nebula, Mars, and Comet Lovejoy.  It was about 47 degrees Fahrenheit coldest day this fall.

EDIT:  Found out it was M3 NOT!!! c/2012 x1 linear.  Looked again the next morning and clearly identified the star field which a few degrees to the right of M3.  C'est la vie!

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