Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sir Roger Penrose April 21 2014

The University of Arizona presented a talk by Sir Roger Penrose about updates to his CCC Conformal Cyclic Cosmology theory.

It was a wonderful talk.  He showed some updates of the BICEP2 results of the B-mode polarization signals as related to his concentric circle evidence of the pre-Big Bang magnetic fields.

He is a very gracious gentleman and his talk was entertaining as well as enlightening.  He was so kind as to sign my copy of "The Road to Reality" after the talk.

I am very grateful to Professor Thomas Fleming of the UofA Steward Observatory for arranging this wonderful presentation.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Two Plays

Last Night on April 15, 2014 at

at the Tornabene Theater we saw


On April 8 at the
Arizona Theatre Company


Venus In Fur

Wonderfully acted!

where on Oct 22 we saw


We also saw Dec 3 , 2013


and March 4, 2014

Around The World In 80 Days

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Motion and Asymmetry

Then new Cosmos series is in progress.
I recorded and finished watching the original Cosmos by Carl Sagan.
The final episode is "We speak for Earth"
These were his closing comments:

"Our loyalties are to the species and the planet.
We speak for Earth.
Our obligation to survive and flourish is owed not just to ourselves, but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring."

The new and the original series brought up the constant speed of light and the resulting theory of relativity and light and cosmos.

So I went back to the Twin paradox and learned or re-learned why it is not a paradox.

First :  It is true that two bodies in relative motion with no acceleration would experience a doppler shift in light where the spectrum is offset.  Sideways motion would be shown in a change in the doppler shift over time.

Any orbit or rotation would experience tidal forces.

Two bodies in relative motion would see length contraction and time dilation of the other of magnitude sqrt(1-v2/c2) or sqrt( (1+v/c) / (1-v/c) ).

If one changed direction due to acceleration a frame change in Minkowski space would occur, and would occur non-simultaneously for each.
Consider the twin paradox, there is an asymmetry of events.

This is explained by : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox

Two twins.
One travels and returns.
Travel distance 4 light years.
Travel speed v=.8c (80% of light speed).
Magnitude of time dilation and length contraction is sqrt(1-4/5*4/5) = sqrt(9/25) = 3/5 = 60%.
So for the traveling twin d=.4*60%=2.4ly. T=10years*60%=6years.

Each agrees to send a signal to the other once per year showing their clock.

Home sends one signal per year for 10 years.

Traveling sends one signal per year for 6 years.

They each receive the others signal asynchrously as follows:

Home      receives 3 signals for first 9 years at rate of 1/3 per year.
                 then       3 signals for next 1 years at rate of 3 per year.

Traveling receives 1 signals for first 3 years at rate of 1/3 per year.
                  then       9 signals for next 3 years at rate of 3 per year

The asymmetry is show by the diagram

Red lines are red shifted.  Blue lines are blue shifted.  (The rates shown are higher than the example but show the relative frequency of each.)

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse of April 15 2014

At 10:50, Sun's shadow began to eat away at the Moon, just before midnight the eclipse was total.  The stars came out and I viewed mostly using 12x50 binocs as well as 80ED at 120X and 80F15 Vintage at 55X.

Just after dark, set up and quickly viewed Jupiter and Castor.  Diffraction rings were barely visible for Castor.  Jupiter was washed out.

Watched the moon rise through the window inside, waiting for the big show!

Around 11 began to go outside to check the progress.

Viewed Blood Moon near Spica , Mars near opposition, Saturn.

After full eclipse Jan and Watson and I viewed Saturn and Mars and the eclipsed Moon using 12x50 binoculars and 80ED scope.

Saw Globular Clusters:  Omega Centauri (Ω Cen), M4 in Scorpio, M12, M10, M14, M107 in Ophiuchus, M56 between Lyra and Albireo,  M13 in Hercules.

Double Stars:  Albireo, Mizar, epsilon Lyra (ε Lyr),

Galaxies:  M81 and M82 in Ursa Major were bright and easily found in Binocs!

Could just barely see  Ω Cen naked eye!

Bright Meteor ended the evening as I was just putting the equipment away!

Big view:

The next day got a message from Wayne (Mr Galaxy) about the sun spots so took a look !  From spaceweather: