Monday, January 27, 2014

Leon Russell and Hot Tuna and Supernova 2014J

Got to see a wonderful show at the Rialto.

Hot Tuna

and nonstop Leon Russell

and later a supernova

that night in my 80ED with averted vision at 600/8 = 75X magnification.

Then the next night at 217X using 9mm in 15" Obsession.  WOW!!

Light Curve from AAVSO

Friday, January 03, 2014

Sunspot AR 1944 - It's a Big One !

Occultation of Beta Capricorni by Moon January 2, 2014

Took a video of Beta Capricorni coming out from the behind the Moon on the ridge.

Bird waiting in tree near Dog Walk

Moon and Venus


Gemini and Jupiter

Psycho Jupiter

Orion's Sword



Sunset half mile north of Tucson


Beta Capricorni three minutes after Occultation

Capture from video of first sight of Beta Capricorni emerging from behind the Moon

Thursday, January 02, 2014

New Moon January 1, 2014 6:20pm 13:48 hours NEW!!

Jan and I went to top of the ridge and saw the NEW MOON at 5:54pm! This was 13:40 hours new.

Picture taken at 6:02pm and found it in the photo.

Also took photo of Venus Crescent, it was much smaller than this shows due to exposure, diffraction, light stuff.

Also got picture of Kitt Peak telescopes.  These ARE your purple mountain majesties!

Back in April 22, 2009 took my first amateur photo of Moon and Venus just prior to occultation.

Got Christmas card from Ursulign Knowles, she was my next door neighbor and she sent picture of Green Flash which Jan and I saw many of from our picture window: